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Arts Camp 08
星期日, 六月 29, 2008
Hip Hip Hurray!!!

Arts Camp was fun, though the food sucks. haha....I have an enjoyable camp and made great friends. I was so suprise no one speak chinese during the camp, everyone was communicating in english. well, that is alright man.

Now, i discovered that life can be fun if i want it be. Stop holding to piles of books and start playing man. haha. I have never been so relax before, i was totally immersed in the camp.

However i was so unlucky or should said lucky. I ganna flu at second day of camp, not able to get into water, sunburnt and injured my toes. haha.

i can't believe myself, my face was so burnt that it went red to the extreme. haha. I was the only one, i guess. It was such a bad experience to be so burnt and pain. If given a chance, i would have pour the whole bottle of sunblock onto my face, haha.

During the war game, i hit onto someone's feet and my toes was injured. I quickly turned it back to the orginal position and started running again. I think i must be crazy, haha. Then it started to
swollen. Haiz.

Now now now, i should say that i am Lame again at the camp. They can't stand my lame jokes, haha. well i been like that all along in JC, they also can't stand. haha.

Anyway, i think i have a fruitful trip to NUS, this memory would become part of my life. I would never forget the nights that we have spent chatting till i had no respond(too tired la). haha
星期三, 六月 18, 2008
心 在静静地听着







星期三, 六月 11, 2008
踏入社会又 和社会接触的这半年,我庆幸我所学到的。人类的世界复杂又可怕,当然像我们这些还未萌芽的学生们,看见的世界是那么的单纯又可爱。其实事实并非如此,或许是世界可爱的,可是丑陋的人类使它变得冷漠又阴暗,让人有种窒息的感觉。

在这个现实的社会,未必有才能就会受到赏识;未必高层对于自己的工作有一定的了解。我们可看见,一座座的高楼大厦,是因为那些没学历的工人用自己的双手建造成的。他们的努力和付出,让受过高教育者有个舒服的办公室,享受工作的乐趣,坐在高处俯视世界。人们往往忘了最终的收获,是大家努力的成果,无论你是属于哪一个阶层,在成功的道路上,你曾留过你的脚印,这是无法抹去的事实。一个把下属的付出当作理所当然,而不去给予应有的鼓励的上司,最终将无法到达你的目的地。因为你的行为和想法将会让你失去一群肯努力奋斗的员工。无论你的身份地位高低,我认为人人平等,我们有我们的才能,你们有你们的知识,虽然我们的身份地位不同,可是天生我才必有用,我们应该受到一定的尊重,别漠视我们的存在和努力。可是这个社会,就是存在着一群缝隙里看人的人,他们因为自己的学历,而不把学历低的人放在眼里。这就是造成社会混乱的原因之一, 如果人类无法认识到这一点,未来的路会很艰辛。

为达目的不折手段,所谓“人不为己,天诛地灭”。 每个人都有私心,可是相对的,每个人都有善良的一面。人之初心本善,是后天的渲染,造成了丑陋的一面。或许名利地位金钱在现今的社会,人人都想拥有,太重要了。为这些享受,人类可以不顾情面的不择手段,翻脸不认人。一生的友情在诱惑的面前,是那么的微不足道,感情是脆弱的。世上没有永恒的爱情,更没有永恒的友情,而亲情也可能在一夜之间破裂,为了这些所谓的享受,而失去了人类最美丽的情感,你的行为成为人们饭后的资谈,值得吗?你我之间可能存在的是假情假意,带着面具相处, 当面具备撕裂时,留下的是永恒的伤口,一道无法弥补的伤痕。何必呢?也许你有你的理由,我有我的理由, 可是坦诚相对,是朋友之间最基本该有的。


对于我身边所发生的,我感触很多,对我也很有帮助。它让我了解到做人最基本的道理。完美是世界是不存在的,完美的人类也同样不存在,、但我们可以努力把世界接近完美, 别漠视人类的能力。 在做这之前,我们应该先自我反省,因为一切在于自己,你的一念之差,会使你成功道路上的绊脚石,或是迈向未来的阶梯。作对了决定或选择,你的旅程会一帆风顺,可是错了,那后果是难以预料的。但谁能无过,只要知错能改, 我想你的阴天也会慢慢变成其晴天的,而你身边的人也会受惠,世界就会更美好。对吗?
星期日, 六月 08, 2008

我的能力有限,这只是暂时的,如果我暂时不能,那你该这么办,我真的不知道。似乎,自从她走了,我的世界突然就乱了。或许是她瞒住我很多事,而你就一件件地告诉我。 我知道你需要个倾诉的对象,而你却不曾知道,你的一字一句,对我来说,都是沉重的负担。


哇,好负面!!如今我相信我会做到我该做的一切,只是时间的问题。时间真残酷,但你希望它快快过去时,它就像乌龟一样慢。当你希望停住时间的脚步,它却如箭一般飞走。其实是歪理。时间的速度和长度从没有改变啊, 白痴的想法!!哈哈

哎呀,等待是我唯一可做的。我会让我身边的人得到他们的幸福,包括我吧!! 应该不难,因为我可以。
I really like my supervisors
星期二, 六月 03, 2008
I have been in this company for half a year, my supervisor she is really nice and a sophisticated woman. (so much to share with me)

She is an Indian, i guess this is the first time ever in my life, I am so close to an indian. Though she is an indian, she dun have the indian character, more like an international character, haha, cheerful and positive all the time. Do you know? I have stopped eating Roti Prata since primary four due to bad experience, but i start to like that because of her. The indian restaurant in Little India is really fantastic, haha, especially the chicken, i like the best.

She is more than a supervisor to me, sometime she is like a teacher, a friend and even a mother. Haha , i guess it would be a happy memory for me to work with her, laugh and joke with her. Life had been so much better with her around(my sunshine).

I find it meaningful and fruitful spending time with her, she has taught me so much, which will definitely enrich my mind and my heart. I would find it so hard to leave the company, not the company but her.

Oh ya, by the way, the company is not really good, with all the idiots and jokers around, " ping, imagine they are sending this joker down", haha this is funny. She is the first person i ever met carrying all this in her conversation, " dear, darling" so cute, haha.

Not forgetting my other supervisor, he is a ang mo. "There is no such thing in this world", "I have 101 things to do, 341 emails to read", haha I guess god is giving me a challenge, puting me in an environment which i can't use mandrin to communicate huh. haha, my english has improved? He is humorous too, our room is the most lively room in the company, laughter everywhere. i will have so much to say when it comes to our department's daily affairs.

They take so good care of me (still taking care), that's why my weight has increase, with all those chocolate after lunch, eat and eat non stop. I will always remember my birthday this year, so so so touch, from head to toes and from outside to inside, haha.

Wow, it was really a good experience working there. I learnt the different sides of human, i am too naive and simple minded. well, there is a long way for me to go, every little thing i learnt will be useful in the future. I thank them for taking good care of me, I am going off soon, hope they do well. " stop giving so much work to her, she is stressed enough". (when she is stressed, i will also be stressed cos I have so much to do also, haha, jus like the 2.8 million Invoice)

The good part is they earn good salary, so good that it can flood my house. haha